• Ashiatsu has often been referred to as the “deepest, most luxurious massage”. It’s Japanese for “foot pressure”, where the massage therapist uses their feet to provide deep compression and broad strokes. They utilize parallel bars on the ceiling for support and balance while using gravity and body weight to apply the pressure.

  • During an Ashiatsu massage, you can expect to experience deep pressure and broad, sweeping movements. Most people say that feet feel just like hands - only a little bigger and more comfortable than harsh elbows and pokey thumbs!

  • Absolutely! I frequently use a combination of hands-on and barefoot techniques to provide a customized treatment tailored to your individual needs.

  • Arrive to your massage fully clothed - once you’re on the table, your birthday suit is welcome and encouraged! You’d be surprised how much tension in stored in the glutes. That being said, you should always undress down to YOUR comfort level so that you feel safe and secure. You will always remained draped according to Tennessee State Law; only the massaged areas will be undraped.

  • Squeaky clean! I take great care to make sure my feet are soft and sanitized. I wash them before and after each client, just like I wash my hands.

  • Ashiatsu is perfect for individuals dealing with chronic pain conditions like back and hip pain, shoulder pain, limited range of motion, plantar fasciitis, and tennis elbow. If you're a cross-fitter, runner, cyclist, or any type of athlete, Ashiatsu offers incredible benefits. Not only does it help prevent injuries, but it also improves range of motion, promotes fast recovery, and delivers long-lasting results.

  • Ashiatsu is not suitable for women who are pregnant, anyone with breast, gluteal or calf enhancements/ implantations, or anyone who has had recent surgeries of any kind. It is not appropriate for those with osteoporosis, heart conditions, pacemakers, blood clotting disorders, or anyone going through radiation therapy. If you are unsure if you are a good candidate for Ashiatsu, please contact me with any questions!



It is strongly encouraged and preferred to book in advance. Same-day appointments are rarely available. I require a credit card on file to book an appointment.

Cancellation Policy

You will receive a confirmation email at the time of booking, and a text reminder 48 hours before your scheduled appointment. In order to cancel/reschedule your appointment at NO charge, I require a minimum of 24 hours notice. Within 24 hours of appointment or for no-call/no-shows, you will be charged 100% of your scheduled service. These charges will be based on the full, non-discounted rate of the service scheduled. Late cancellation due to emergency, illness, or inclement weather will generally not result in any missed session charges, but this is determined on a case-by-case basis at my discretion only.

Late Arrival Policy

Please arrive for your appointment at least 5-10 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time. This time is to be used to get settled, use the restroom if needed, and to check in with me and have our pre-session intake. All services offered have a specific time schedule and early arrival allows for a relaxed and unhurried experience. If you are running late, please call me at (865) 236-0175 to let me know as soon as possible. If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you will be responsible for payment of the "full" session. Out of respect and consideration to your therapist and other customers, please plan accordingly and be on time. ​

Inappropriate Behavior Policy

Massage therapy is for relaxation and therapeutic purposes only. There is absolutely no sexual component to massage whatsoever. Any insinuation, joke, gesture, conversation, or request otherwise will result in immediate termination of your session and a refusal of any and all services in the future. You will be charged the full service fee regardless of the length of your session. Depending on the behavior exhibited we may also file a report with the local authorities if necessary. Treat your therapist with respect and dignity and you will be treated the same in return.